Need help with surrond sound. Speaker/Tech gurus in here please.
So I have on idea what I'm looking at, let alone if this is possible (refraise how much insane money it may cost) I am moving into a new place and I have always wanted surround sound in my bedroom for music. I hate having just 2 little crappy desktop speakers. I want a speaker in each upper corner of the room. I would really prefer wireless speakers in the 4 corners of the room (sub can be wires I don't care). I don't know if they even make wireless speakers like that that run on say D batteries or something. And if they do does the sound quality suck since they are wireless?? I want the system to work with my desktop computer. and my big TV with both my 360 and ps3. Can anyone point me into the right direction. I don't wana go to the local stereo shop just to be tkaen by the sales rep.
Bráithreachas Thar Gach Ni
IAFF Local #4907