Hi all... I haven't been posting much lately... here's why:
A few months ago (3 or 4) I started having stomach issues and feeling like crap... after a couple mis-diagnoses, a bunch of tests and other such crap, they found out I had gastritis & esophagitis (also Barrett's Esophagus). They've switched up my meds a few times and I think we're getting closer to managing it, but I can only string together 5-8 days before I feel like crap for a few days... it's a work in progress.
Of course, none of this prevents me from typing on a forum... it does, however, prevent me from smoking as much (due to the fact that I can't drink coffee, which is my favorite pairing, and that I'm not really supposed to be having much nicotine... kinda makes me feel like crap a bit when I'm done). I'm at around 1-2 a week (with the exception of Dan (ambientboy's) party and not around here or ICC too much as I'm trying to 'be good' in hopes that I'll be healthy-feeling enough to make it to shack. The more I hang out here, the more I'm gonna want to smoke... however, I plan on getting back into posting a little bit more.
I hope everyone's doing good and I just wanted to throw out a quick post to let you know I didn't fall off the planet.
(I think I'm gonna sneak in a RASSC at lunch today...
