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Old 10-29-2008, 08:22 PM   #1
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Default Superstitions/folklore

Funny thing...riding home from work today and a black cat runs out across the road in front of me. My heart flutters and I do the ritual of crossing an "X" in the corner of my windshield and throwing some choice words toward the cat. You know, to protect from the evil black cat curse. That got me to thinking...I'm nearly 40 and here I am still holding on to superstitions. In a way, it's like me still believing in the Tooth Fairy or Santa Claus, which I haven't since 8 years old. I remember in high school when I was going to take the SAT one Saturday morning, a black cat crossed me right down the road from my house. I stopped and turned around and took the back way to avoid the bad luck I definitely didn't need. Stupid, huh? Now in my older years, yes it was. Or was it?

Here's a few more I still stick with, probably more out of habit than belief. Also probably because they were told to me by grandparent or parents. Now I believe in karma, the whole "goes around comes around" or at least I don't like tempting it.
  • A penny head's up - I'll pick it up for good luck. If tails is up, I'll leave it there.
  • Cutting fingernails - I read as a kid that morticians cut nails of the dead in order and it can bring back luck to those that do. I started cutting them at random, which I still do out of habit.
  • I used to loath the number 13, but within the past 20 years or so, I use it as good luck and it's paid off several times.
  • I still follow the farmers almanac and try to plant my gardens by the phases of the moon. Does it help, don't know. Why tempt it?
  • Spent many a year avoiding cracks in the sidewalk, but out grew that.
  • Never have walked with someone's else crutches while I was healthy. Always heard it was bad luck and could cause you to need your own soon.
  • A cricket in your house is a sign of good luck. Rarely it happens, and last time it did, it was at work, I wouldn't let them harm it all. I gently placed it back outside.
  • Horsehoes - my dad would have an absolute fit if he saw a horseshoe lying on it's side, with all the luck running out. It had to be standing up at all times. Only when it was hung above the door could it be inverted, to pour luck upon you as you walked under it. If I see one nowadays, I'll definitely stand it up.
  • I've always heard it was bad luck to kill a ladybug and am positive I never have (on purpose).
  • Never been a big fan of breaking mirrors either.
  • I always knock on wood before I gloat about something never happening.
  • And finally, I still wish on every shooting star and wishbone. Can't hurt.

Anyone else as crazy as I am??
Somebody has to go back and get a chitload of dimes
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