So I smoked an ACID Today.
It's finals week down at college. Everyone's having a good time, and by "good time" I mean getting drunk. I gave a friend a ride to the liquor store the next town over to pick up a bottle of Seagram's Seven. I don't drink, so I was just going to wait in the car while he went in, but I happened to notice a humidor in the corner of the store, and decided to check it out. As I make my selections, a Fuente 898 and a Padron 2000, the guy behind the counter mentions that they were having a "sale" on ACID blondies, $1.50 a stick. Knowing the reputation these have, I decided to find out just how bad they really were, and picked up two of them. Biiiig mistake in hindsight.
Fast forward to this evening. I decide to relax, have a cigar, and listen to the rantings of Michael Savage. I spy the Acids sitting next to the humidor. Curiosity gets the best of me, so I grab one, clip the head, and toast the foot. As I take the first draw, the flavor of burning Earl Grey tea, Pert Plus Shampoo, Mrs. Dash seasoning, and crappy tobacco envelops my palette. The cigar crackles and hisses, as if trying to taunt me. Half way down, the flavors of cheap shampoo, salt free seasoning, and smoldering tea give way to acrid bitterness with a hint of burning hair, or perhaps burning garbage. I chuck the cigar in disgust.
Now I cant get this horrible taste out of my mouth. Gargling Listerine, brushing my teeth, and eating copious amounts of breath mints has little effect. I think I'm going to go chew some garlic now. Maybe that will do the trick.
Kudos Jonathan Drew, your cigars really are an experience one isn't soon to forget.