So my dad calls me yesterday and asks if he can come drop something off at the restaurant, which is strange. Comes by and hands me a box of esplendidos. I give him a hug thank him, then he pulls out a box of RyJ churchills. He's got a patient who brought them back from Cuba for him.
I go back into my office and start looking at them. No box code, warranty seal is made out of a different material, and they smell of amonia. I open the RyJ
churchills, the only band the cigar has on it is the short churchill band. I cut one open and it was short filler.
I call my mom to give her a heads up and to keep this patient away from him. She's going to make sure he doesn't buy anything more from him in her own way. There's no way i can tell him though, if you had seen his face he was so proud of himself. He doesn't know anything about cigars, wine on the other hand he could teach anyone. Just had to vent, i'm so piss,

i can only imagine what he spent on them.