Originally Posted by Goldie
I just gave one in August for my brother's wedding. And I saw someone above mentioned short, sweet and to the point. And that is exactly right. When I got done with my speech the man of honor (yeah, you read that right), took over and totally put everyone to sleep because he just dragged on and on.
I went up to the bar afterwards to get a drink and the bartender complimented me by saying, "You had a good speech man, and believe me, I've sat through hundreds of these. You kept it short and to the point". That's what people want.
Hopefully he wasn't just blowing smoke up my ass, but I appreciated the compliment either way. And actually, this was my second best man speech for my brother. the first marriage was a sham. And not a sham-wow.
Please post a copy of your speech to save me time writing one later, thanks