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Old 09-22-2010, 09:46 AM   #18
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Default Re: Why does it get bitter?

Originally Posted by BC-Axeman View Post
I would purge the cigar and knock the coal off, then purge it some more if I have to let it go out.
Much better to smoke it all the way through. They are not the same if they have set for a while.
I thought this thread was about cigars that get bitter while you are smoking them, a huge negative by me.

Some times though it's just unavoidable if left to long. This is why I usually never revisit a stick if I had left it to burn out and sit more than 10-15 minutes. Might sound ridiculous but I absolutely hate the taste of old stale cigar smoke so I would rather light another stick than suffer through the rest of a cigar that I let sit out after being smoked partially. I don't get to smoke everyday so when I do I want to enjoy it so no need to torture myself.
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