Thread: Ronson Jetlight
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Old 09-20-2010, 08:50 PM   #53
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Default Re: Ronson Jetlight

Originally Posted by PCR View Post
I know that but it's still a marginal flame. No worries.
I've noticed the flme is stronger when I use higher grade fuel so maybe once you use up what you have and get Vector, Lava, etc. then it will improve.

Originally Posted by OLS View Post
I like deals myself, BUT REMEMBER how much better America worked when a man
could still get a fair but high price for goods and services in this country. Now everything is
deal deal deal, that's too high, F that guy, his prices are double what I pay the chinese to
send me $hitbag product X. That's where all the jobs went, people just can't survive in the
new world economy. I know I NEVER buy cigars that are not onsale and never at a B and M.
But wasn't it our forefather Franklin who said "A penny saved is a penny earned" ?
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