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Old 09-19-2010, 08:17 PM   #82
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Default Re: Whats you 100 point cigar?

I agree with Brooks that I haven't met the "100 Point Cigar" yet, and perhaps shouldn't.

But I've come close, twice, both in the last month, actually. I had the pleasure of smoking a Bolivar Petite Corona from '98, and that was really a "perfect cigar" in the sense that I couldn't have asked for anything that it didn't give me, and then some. I'm still a noob in the CC world, and have had so many bad ones that I'd really given up. But this has renewed my interest

The second was my first Padron Anny 40th Maduro. The most expensive cigar I've ever smoked, but also one of the very best. I was expecting it to be good (love the '64 line), but this thing still managed to WOW me! Just loved the sweetness of the first third.

Other "always do the trick" sticks for me are:

Tatuaje Verocu East/West Coast
Tatuaje Black (jar)
Tatuaje Boris
Liga Privada T-52
Liga Privada #9 Flying Pig

Last edited by njstone; 09-19-2010 at 08:24 PM.
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