Re: Ronson Jetlight
Originally Posted by awsmith4
Here the CVS and Rite-Aid have plenty of Ronsons but the Wal Mart and Walgreens do not carry them.
Like stated by Tom, I use only Vector (well ok sometimes Lava) in mine and never have issues. Mkae sure you completely purge them, this goes for any lighter, and them fill them with good fuel. Maybe the ones from fleabay came from a bad lot, if so PM me and I'll send you one from the local store.
Thank you! I'd like to give Vector a try (using Ronson now). Can Vector be found at a local B&M or is it an internet buy?
"I smoke cigars when I win, to celebrate ... and I smoke cigars when I lose to console myself." -Winston Churchill
Last edited by PCR; 09-19-2010 at 03:44 PM.