Good news for Mobile Stogie fans!
I have reached agreement to transfer ownership of the Mobile Stogie iPhone app to Colin Ganley. This is really good news for users of the app, as I have not had time to properly update and grow the app for several months. My family and I have moved from Michigan to Seattle Washington, which has dominated my time recently (new home, new jobs for my wife and I, and all of the upheaval that comes with such a move).
Colin is a real 'cigar guy', really involved in the cigar world, and he has some great ideas for enhancing and growing the app beyond what I could do anytime soon. He runs a website called "
Cigar Research", where you can find more info about him.
I really look forward to the improvements that Colin will make, and will continue to work with him to make this as seamless as possible. Nothing will change for current users of the app. The website will continue to support the app properly, etc.
He asked me to be sure to pass along some points from his perspective (direct quote from his email to me):
1. current users will remain able to use the app to its fullest and will continue to be able
2. plans exist to expand the database to include more cigar information
3. I have always been very impressed with your app and all the work you put into it and I hope to carry the torch and only improve it in the future.
Lastly, my thanks to the CA members that have helped and supported me in getting the app built originally. I could not have done it without your help
