Thread: Ronson Jetlight
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Old 09-19-2010, 09:52 AM   #25
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Default Re: Ronson Jetlight

Originally Posted by mobarbq View Post
I looked for mine for over a month and I had about given up. I was told that Wal-Mart carried them, but every store I went to was out. Clerks would say, well, yeah, we used to have some... Well, if you have shopped at Wal-Mart much, you probably notice that any item that does not sell a steady amount, they apparently mark it down and quit carrying it. I found one single lighter in one store, near the registers and it was at the back of a hanging clip. They don't seem to be easy to find. I heard that hardware stores and Walgreens and CVS Drug Stores may have them.
It is completely regional. At least, that is what the store manager at one of our 2 stores told me. She knew what I was talking about, which was a relief because everyone else at Walmart apparently has never seen a lighter other than bics. Walgreens here doesn't have them either, its apparently regional with them as well.
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