Thread: Ronson Jetlight
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Old 09-19-2010, 06:08 AM   #18
just playing in the storm
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Default Re: Ronson Jetlight

I can go at least a week before refilling , thats toasting the foot on 2 cigars a day plus I smoke cigarettes. Sounds like you may not be getting a good fill on them. I use Ronson fuel in mine and haven't had a problem except for every once in a while the burner seems to clog and I take the can of fuel put the nozzle against the burner and blast it for a second....let it sit for a while and it good as new. I think it was Bobarian that told about this. Also I found if you take out the little screw on the bottom you can remove the brass clip around the adjustment screw and get a larger flame.
it's all fun and games till the flying monkeys show up
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