Re: Ronson Jetlight
I did learn something about butane operations from refilling mine. I am by no means a butane expert, but I have learned that if you are not getting some sidespray and/or having the main chamber unit get very cold, you are probably not getting any fuel down inside the unit. You just think you are filling it, but you aren't-it isn't working. I think their input valve is not the same as it used to be. I initially thought mine had crapped out too, but it almost seemed like the input valve was either defective or had something inside it plugging it up. (Maybe some wax or something they put on it at the time of manufacture to protect it during shipping?) After playing with it, you should be or begin hearing an audible hiss when it is filling up and then the "overspray" of the butane escaping from around the intake valve will start freezing your fingers, etc. That means the lighter is full, having reached maximum capacity. Immediately stop and wait a full 30 minutes before trying to ignite the lighter. If you try to immediately use it, it will not work (and you will accordingly think it has crapped out on you). That's the story on how my ordeal went; got mine about a month ago. Wasn't easy to find.
Mine's doing great now. **NOTE** it does suck the juice. Don't be surprised if you can only get about 4-5 cigars lit up out of each fill, and maybe less if you have to do a lot of relighting or burn corrections during the course of your firing-off.
"Cheap cigars come in handy; they stifle the odor of cheap politicians." -Ulysses S. Grant