Originally Posted by discdog
I don't think they were a limited release but they did have trouble after the original release several years ago. Most of the shops I freguent here in Atlanta have them in stock. I could have sworn that CI and Holts also carried them.
They are one of my favorite CAO sticks, thanks for reminding me about them. I may have to revisit them tonight when I go out.
Bob, you might be thinking of another CAO stick...
The story behind the MX3 is that it is one of the 11 original blends that CAO stocked in its Escaparate at CAO HQ in Tennessee. It was created exclusively for the CAO Escaparate. (The Escaparate houses 330,000+ cigars in an ‘in-the-round’ walk-in humidor).
Over the course of the past 5 years, CAO made the decision to make some of their Escaparate blends/brands available at select retail tobacconists across the country W. Curtis Draper’s has the exclusive on MX3 and is available in two sizes (robusto and a torpedo).
The CAO MX3 are available
ONLY at W. Curtis Drapers in D.C. (800) 572-2382.
There was word that a shop in Tennessee also carried them...but I cannot confirm.