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Old 09-17-2010, 05:49 PM   #2
Gramps 4x's
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Default Re: Padron Anniversary 1964

Originally Posted by MajorCaptSilly View Post
I'll start out by saying that I had a couple Padrons years ago and decided that I didn't like the brand. I've stayed away from them since then. Fast forward to 2010:

Travis (TexanInMexico) sent me this 1964 with some other great sticks and a bottle of Havana Club. I felt it was my duty to at least give the old Padron brand another shot.

This cigar has it all. A very distinct spice, big time leather, and an overall earthy flavor. The smoke is heavy and plentiful and the finish is strong and sweet. This cigar is so unique, it's hard to explain how the flavors meld and develop, but it's absolutley one of the best cigars I've every had.

As far as a review goes: This was a religious experience.

Thanks Travis!

Now imagine what you have missed all this time.
Man I love Annis.
Just smoked a 45th torpedo this weekend. It was amazing.
Little known fact: I am a former member of the Village People - The Indian
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