Thread: Thank You
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Old 09-17-2010, 10:54 AM   #1
Coach Deg
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Coach Deg is a glorious beacon of lightCoach Deg is a glorious beacon of lightCoach Deg is a glorious beacon of lightCoach Deg is a glorious beacon of lightCoach Deg is a glorious beacon of light
Default Thank You

We do make a difference Please read on….

If you do not know, at the world’s best stadium Tropicana Field Home of the Tampa Bay Rays there is a cigar bar. Two or three times a year some buddies and I just go and sit in the cigar bar and smoke and watch the game on the big screen in leather chairs and have some drinks and play pool.

Well on this particular night, I happened to catch parts of a conversation of two older men(60’s). And during the night I heard one of the men talk about his son being in Iraq. Then he was talking about his son being in Afghanistan.

Remember, I’m not trying to eavesdrop I’m smoking hanging with my buddies. Then he really catches my attention. He starts talking about smoking with his son and that there is a few groups on some cigar website that sends troops cigars. And that is one of the only luxuries his son gets to enjoy. And now that he knows about the cigar bar he can’t wait to bring his son there one day and smoke.
And at that they got up to leave. I stood up told the man I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but Thank You for your sons service. You sound proud of him and you should be. The man’s chest puffed out a little more and he shook my hand.

I was not military, nor am I from a military family. I have had many students and players go into the military. I have even lost one in Iraq. When this man was talking about his son, I was getting the same choked up feeling I get during the National Anthem.

So to you Military Servicemen and Retired Servicemen – Thank You!!!

And to everyone that sends what they can to help the troops. There is proof they appreciate the little things over there.
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