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Old 09-15-2010, 05:33 AM   #11
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Default Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"

Are you sure he can legally do that?

You are renting/leasing a property that has a contract, and he can't just change the contract mid-stream to his whims. That would be like you changing your contract and expecting the landlord to accept it.

I would go over your lease carefully and if he is in violation or question, withhold rent (escrow) until a judge can decide. See if you can get a few others to do the same. If the judge says the property manager is legal to do so, then the money is there. If not, he'll be dropping that policy real quick with no rent coming in.

Once it is in the court system, you can go back to smoking and keep postponing the court date and dragging it out until your lease ends or he gives up.
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