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Old 09-12-2010, 02:23 PM   #20
I'm nuts for the place
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Default Re: Opinions regarding Mexico?

Originally Posted by SvilleKid View Post
I guess it just depends on the place and the time! My wife and I were at both those locations in the spring from a cruise, and didn't have a single "hawker" approach us on the streets. Had half a dozen trying to sell me glass-top cuban cigars within the malls, but after disclosing (loudly) to my co-shoppers why these were fakes, They stopped approaching me totally!!! Also, we made excursion plans outside of the normal cruise ship channels, and left the ship after the crush of the main crowd. Wonder if the "hawkers" had already been siphoned off? Don't know if that's a plausible reason for the difference or not. Maybe we looked too muck like the rednecks we are!!!
That's crazy. When we were there we could not walk more than 2 ft before the next person came started to badger us and it was constant up until we got into the can to go to Chakanaab and even there we would have the occasional person come along trying to sell us authentic glass tops. Like you they started to by pass me when I called them out on being fakes.
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