Re: Opinions regarding Mexico?
What is your perception of Mexico? Same as those above; a country in trouble because of the drug lord terrorists.
If you were to plan a vacation would Mexico be on your list of potential destinations? I would not rule out Mexico, and have been there within last 6 months.
If not, why?
Would you feel safe in Mexico? Depends on the location. Tourist compounds, yes. Border areas with the U.S. - Not no, but hell no!
What is the biggest plus and biggest minus that Mexico offers you as a tourist destination? Pluses: History that is as old as many of the world's oldest. The everyday people I have met were more than friendly and welcoming. Very price affordable. Negatives: Drug lords gone off the deep end; a police/military force that has been corrupt for so long that the current drug situation could reach the level it has reached, and a government that is spending it's energies blaming the U.S. for all it's woes, instead of cleaning up it's own problems.
Ceilin' fan it stirs the air, Cigar smoke does swirl. The fragrance on the pillow case, and he thinks about the girl. Thanks, JB, 1975.
Last edited by SvilleKid; 09-12-2010 at 02:09 PM.