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Old 09-12-2010, 01:02 PM   #9
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Default Re: Opinions regarding Mexico?

Originally Posted by Sauer Grapes View Post
What is your perception of Muexico?
A country in chaos with the drug cartels winning the war. Not safe to visit.

If you were to plan a vacation would Mexico be on your list of potential destinations? No. Why go to Mexico when I could just go to the Caribbean and be safer.

If not, why?
Safety, and, frankly, I would rather go back to the Caribbean, Hawaii or another country.

Would you feel safe in Mexico?
No, unless you stay in one of those vacation "compounds" I've heard about.

What is the biggest plus and biggest minus that Mexico offers you as a tourist destination?
Plus: Many that have vacationed there loved it. Minus:safety and the chaos one hears about. Also the fact that water is unpotable.
Pretty much this. As perspective I work with mexicans. Some born in Mexico all with family in Mexico. None are going to Mexico. Their own family members are telling them not to come.

I have family who have timeshares there and I could go for free. They are not using it. They are scared.I would not go. I dont want to worry on vacation thats not a vacation. Who wants to worry about being killed or kidnapped ransomed and killed in the end on vacation. As someone in law enforcement who has a fair amount of info on the situation. HELL NO! If I was going to vacation in Mexico it will be after the gov wins the war. Lets be honest that wont happen and if it does it will be 5 plus years.
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