Re: When did you first 'notice' cigars?
About three years ago the wife and I were on vacation in NC with her family.
Her cousins and I started playing cornhole on the beach and her cousin Michael busted out a vanilla something or other (They carry them at my locals, but I can't think of the name at the moment). I asked how long he had been smoking, and he said him and his dad sit and enjoy cigars together so I asked if I could try one.
He set me up with a vanilla flavored cigar and I smoked that thing down to the nub. I really enjoyed the experience of sharing a cigar with her cousin, as I felt it just brought us closer together than we already were. This might sound weird, but smoking a cigar made me feel like a man. Probably sounds as weird to you as it does to me, but it did. After we got home I did some searching and around a month later bought my first cigars (Acid Krush Classis) and then a month after that bought my first humidor and cigars from Bob (S15driftking). I wish I had started a year earlier so I could have enjoyed a cigar with the groomsmen and my dad at my wedding.
The rest is history as they say.
Come in here dear boy, have a cigar, you're gonna go far - Pink Floyd
I like my draw, like I like my women, a little loose - Goldie