Thread: beer hauls
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Old 09-10-2010, 09:46 AM   #513
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Default Re: beer hauls

Originally Posted by Guitarman-S.T- View Post
How is goose islands Bourbon County compared to Breakfast stout/Kentucky Bourbon Stout.
I hear so many great things about them all, but Have failed to try the GOOSE!
For me Same it's
1) KBS: It's a solid Stout with great flavors that seem to change when it warms up. The last few sips always taste like the best chocolate shake. Very balanced beer with the bourbon.
2) GIBCS: Out of the three this one for me you can really get a alcohol flavor, it doesn't hide and is your face. The flavors I get in the GIBCS as it warms is always buttered toast (which is first) and the last one I seem to get is hostess fruit pie.
3) BS: I think for a basic stout the BS it a solid beer but when compared to the others it loses.

this was something I typed up after splitting some beers with a couple friends.
Comparing Founders BS to Founders KBS
Comparing Goose Island Night Stalker to Goose Island Bourbon County
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Last edited by Jbailey; 09-10-2010 at 09:52 AM.
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