Re: Fantasy Football
1. PeteSB75 - Squash Bucklers - That's me.
2. cle_smoker - The Isotopes - Dc - 03082040000119016436
3. Mikey202 - Warpigs - Received
4. GTsetGO - The Prozac Jacks - Received
5. mugwump - Fast Running Zombies - Received
6. Adriftpanda - going for last again?
7. BeerAdvocate - BA's TDs and Beer - Out Tuesday per PM
8. GreekGodX - Cromartie is My Dad Dc 9405503699300336781917
9. Cigargal - TC Turbos
10. darkleeroy - Space Marines - Received
11. hornitosmonster - Toros - Received
12. TheStatsGuy - The Ashkickers
PMs out to the rest this morning.
Formerly Malik23