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Old 09-07-2010, 02:42 PM   #67
I'm nuts for the place
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Default Re: A simple observation

Originally Posted by area51 View Post
I see some of these humidors stacked with cigars and I can only think "I could never do that." I guess I have ADD when it comes to cigars I can't stock up just not my thing. Would I love to have a huge stock of thousands...maybe, but realistically I would probably just smoke through them all and call it a day. I guess every cigar I have is an occasion cigar as well as an everyday smoke.
It is also a a lot easier to do when your buying habits continue to stay regular but your schedule does not allow you the free time to smoke as much. This has been a big problem of mine as of late. I have just been working my azz off and at the same time getting the house ready for the baby and all the other things that come along with it so for me I have been buying more than I can smoke which most people would say, "Well buy less." This would work if deals wouldn't come up along with all the damn new releases as of late. For example, I planned on smoking my azz off this whole weekend since it was a holiday weekend and I knew we would have company in town for the shower so what better way to spend time with friends and family. I smoked one stinkin' cigar just because I was too busy running here there and everywhere so I didn;t get to do near the damage I thought I would.
Plus for me I know I will probably be forced into a buying hiatus once the baby arrives so I might as well stock up now. Not to mention I see you only have 4 posts so sit back, relax because it is a slippery slope. I too had your thought process once. That thinking is long gone now. You'll see. Next year this time you too will probably have more cigars on hand than you could possibly smoke through quickly.
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