Thread: Branson
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Old 09-07-2010, 01:35 PM   #1
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Default Branson

This may be in the wrong place and if it is, I apologize. I just got back from a trip to Branson, MO. and discovered that they have a scarcity of good cigar stores. However, I found one that is very interesting. It's called the "Cigar Box" and it's in the middle of the flea market on the edge of town. This guy has a little "shack" that looks like it could never have anything good in it. However, when you go in, he's got a walk in humidor and a fairly nice selection of sticks.

One thing I learned...none of the shops I visited (and I visited 3) had ever heard of Don Pepin or Tats.

Again, if this is in the wrong place, please feel free to move it.
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