I was browsing the NHC website and saw some Pinar Del Rio smokes that looked pretty good. After a quick search in the reviews section, as well as this particular forum, I came up with some very mixed reviews. The reviews aren't very old, the earliest went back to March 2009. According to NHC, the Habano Series has been revamped, and sounds like maybe a price redux as well.
Revsmoke started a thread here (
http://www.cigarasylum.com/vb/showth...ighlight=pinar) that really surprised me how hit and miss this smoke was for the different members.
So if you have smoked some Pinar Del Rio's, and enjoyed them, what was your favorite? What did you like about them? Hell, what didn't you like about them?
They seem to be reasonably priced, so I thought I would look into them a bit more.
Any feedback or thoughts are appreciated.
Thanks all.