Originally Posted by Lucky_Hippo
There is a guy on youtube that gives a pretty good guess at this one (since no one can really decipher Stanley K). He walked through a lot of SK's work. Some I agreed with and some I didn't... With 2001ASO I liked his version. He explains that we evolve each time we discover the black singing rectangle, and at only those points throughout the movie do we ever hear the stone "singing" except for two other times. One is at the intermission while stairing at a black screen, and the other is at the end while going through the light show. The blank movie screen at intermission is actuall the black rectangle turned sideways and the audience (us) is evolving, and half way though the light show it also turns "sideways" to tie in the movie screen as the monument and give us a clue that we are part of the story.
I can buy that. Pretty good explanation.
Originally Posted by MajorCaptSilly
Not a movie but Twin Peaks left me wanting more. I'd like a movie to tie things up. What about Bob?
Originally Posted by Chingas
I got to look into that. There is a movie, i believe it's a prequel. I thought they made a movie that tied it togehter.
I've never watched the series or the prequel movie. I hear it does tie up some loose ends for the series. Netflix has the movie for anyone who's interested.