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Old 12-02-2008, 02:57 PM   #16
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Default Re: Chinese Democracy

apparently, not everyone is impressed......

Chines Democracy Review

some beautiful notes here.....

It's an epic combination of mid-period Stevie Wonder, early Elton John, and side two of In Through the Out Door. This is the kind of gutter-glam boogie ballad that makes "November Rain" seem like a bucket of burro vomit warming in the afternoon sun.

I mean, come on.....13 friggin years and 14 studios......jeezus.....the teens that were bowing down to Axl back then....are now parents with teenagers!!!

Come on, lets be serious here, there are NO members of LA Guns or Hollywood Rose in the they should just call the 37 guys who helped make the album ""Axl's Amalgam""
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