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Old 12-02-2008, 02:32 PM   #14
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Default Re: Chinese Democracy

I agree with it taking a couple of listens to really start to appreciate it. I can see people not liking it because of their feelings about Axl (which I think is completely justified) or not sounding like Appetite or Illusions I and II, but to say his voice is shot just doesn’t make sense. He shows as much if not more vocal dexterity on CD as he did on any of the other albums. And if you think it is just synthesized and enhanced you should see them live, he sounds as good as ever. Personally I try not to imagine if Axl, Duff, and Slash got back together. They could never live up to what they created before and they have all done fairly well separately. Hopefully VR will find a new singer soon and we can have some more new music from Slash and Duff as well.
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