Originally Posted by Chingas
What an awesome thread! Now if only my brain would work properly...
Ok. For clarification:
Donnie Darko
In The Mouth Of Madness
Syndiche New York
I just watched Donnie Darko for the first time last night and thought it was awesome, I'm waiting for the director's cut on Netflix, but I'd like to hear other's thoughts on it. The way I see it, when Donnie says "How to you know I'm not one(superhero)" it's a reference to the fact that he is either prescient alla Dune's Maud Dib, or at the end of the movie learns to master time travel thanks to Grandma Death, either way, the events we see in the movie are what happened before he was able to travel back in time and prevent his lover's and families' deaths by sacrificing himself, or he simply stayed in bed to give up himself and die to prevent the events of the movie he had seen presciently by dying in the accident, either way, the conversations he has with his science teacher are the key to understanding the film!