Originally Posted by Virginia_Ghost
Bourbon. Rocks.
Why is it manly? The manliest trait of all is that state of being when you have no reason to go out of your way to prove your manliness. Understated, calm delivery of the request, "Bourbon, Rocks, Please" leaves no doubt as to your masculinity; and shows that you aren't going to stoop to requesting pansy drinks with "manly" sounding titles to prove anything.
This, but I don't know anything about these rocks you speak of.....I've heard of bourbon and a glass......But I couldn't find the glass. Bourbon is the ultimate man drink.
Originally Posted by icehog3
I drank enough tequila to kill a whale Thursday and Friday at a herf, and not a smidge of hangover, Bill. But I ain't an aficionado, I'm a machine. 
Nicely done, I got out of tequila perhaps a revisit is in order. Having a high alcohol tolerance rules, been on a bourbon kick lately though.