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Old 08-25-2010, 10:26 AM   #13
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Default Re: Interesting Ebay Deal

Originally Posted by d'am View Post
Hold on a minute:

Are you guys both talking about the standard 2.5"x2.25" (or so) sized pillow? I'd imagine keeping a 78qt cooler and a 40-count humidor would require different solutions. But if pillows are that versatile...
In my cooler I used beads that are made of the same material that is in the water pillows. In my cooler I put some of the beads in a small zip lock freezer bag, using the boxes to hold the bag upright. This bag of beads is probably equivalent in size to about 4 or 5 pillows. My cooler must not seal as tight as NCRadioman's. But when I check the cooler and the RH is to high zip the bag closed until it reaches the low 60's RH.
You can get the Polysodium acrylate beads at Michaels Arts and Crafts stores. A little bag of these beads is less than $2.00.
Copied from Stogiefreshdotcom
The Water Pillow uses a super absorbent polymer (polysodium acrylate) as the humidification element. Super absorbent polymers (SAP) can absorb more than 500 times their weight in water. They come in the form of small beads or, in the case of the Water Pillows, in powder form.
--Anger Management Graduate--
WHAT the F^#% you looking at???

Last edited by JaKaacH; 08-25-2010 at 10:32 AM. Reason: To add link
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