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Old 08-25-2010, 07:52 AM   #19
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Default Re: Any thoughts on 45 GAC?

I totally agree with the “Test Drive” idea, looking for a pistol is lot like looking for a woman
Ya’ gots to find one that fits, one that makes you smile, one that could rock your day.
Many gun shops have ranges now days where you can test out a variety of guns.
The .45 ACP is a good old round with a long history, the .40 …
it aint for me but I know lots of Folks who love it.
I carry a 1911 because it’s what I’m used to, been carrying one for 35 years now…Old habits die hard.
But it aint for everyone, the single action workings of a 1911 can take some getting used to And some of them can be finicky …
but when you get a good one it’s like a good Woman, You just can’t let go.
I’ve tried Glock’s, S&W’s, … I even bought an Astra once, They just didn’t feel right.
And That is the key, You have to find what feels right and comfortable
Some thing you could become “One with” and stick with it.
Shopping for a new gun can be a lot of fun
Cowboy Wisdom: Ifin' ya get to thinkin yourself a might bit important, Try tellin someone else's dog what to do.
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