Thread: Flavored Cigars
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Old 08-22-2010, 10:48 PM   #17
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Default Re: Flavored Cigars

Originally Posted by markem View Post
There is nothing wrong with flavored cigars.

Some like them and some don't. Some are snobbish about them being beneath recognition. Not sure that I agree with that last sentiment, but it is true that you can use a very low grade leaf if you intend to cover the tobacco flavor with something else.

You may like them, you may not. I suspect that more smoke them here than care to admit, just because of peer pressure.

It isn't about smoking the best for someone else's measure, it is about smoking what you like. Go forth and explore - you'll know more than many others that way.
Mark is wise.
Most cigar smokers start out trying the flavored stuff and eventually move on to more traditional/non flavored cigars and leave the flavored cigars behind. Some seasoned smokers still like the occasional flavored cigar and God love em (I"m one of them) . If your friends give you hell for what you like to smoke, are they really friends? As a good friend of mine says "Smoke what you like, Like what you smoke". Thats all that truly matters!
Founding member of the Lilac City Dedicated Herfers
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