I chuckle because after reading this, I was intrigued and googled more information.
Much to my surprise, our "old home" (puffer fish world) comes up as having this information you have quoted as part of an article they posted.
What I found amusing was that they also had this in the same article.
Myth One: Cuban cigars are hand rolled on the thighs of virgin women.
This is probably my favorite story. It invokes women in the field, with their dresses hiked up over their bronzed, silky smooth thighs, their fingers daintily rolling up the best smokes the world has ever known. And of course these women are all beautiful and virgins and will never tell you to take out the garbage. And that virginity, that untapped sexual power, somehow manages to find itself into your cigar right?
Fact or Fiction: Fiction. I hate to let you down, but it is a myth. It is true that you can find women in the field picking tobacco leaves, and hell, maybe a few of them are attractive. But working long hours in the sun, day after day…I wouldn’t bet money on it.
But the most important thing is this: it is impossible to roll a cigar on your thigh. In fact, try rolling a piece of paper on your thigh. Go ahead…I’ll give you a few minutes. Now consider how difficult that would be if you were to be using tobacco leaf, never mind the fact that you would be trying to wrap it around binder and filler, all the while trying to make a particular shape.
As romantic and lovely as this myth is, any roller will tell you…it just isn’t possible.
My illusions of smoking cigars rolled in this manner has now been shot. I am depressed.
They need to be corrected.
It is NOT impossible to roll on a thigh.
On a video from Cuba, Alejandro Robaina does it and the cigar looks amazing. Also cuts the foot with his bare hands to light it.