I came across this when I got sick twice this week and could not figure out why my blood sugar was through the roof. I hope this information will help someone out before something bad happens

this only happened after smoking 4 or more cigars. I don't get high blood sugar when I smoke one or two.
Smoking Cigars can raise your blood sugar level.
For most people, this statement is of little consequence. But if you are a diabetic, it is a myth you have probably wondered about, and rightly so. How can smoking a cigar raise your blood sugar level after all? It just doesn’t seem to make sense.
Fact or Fiction: Unfortunately, this one is true. Cigars, and any form of tobacco, does indeed raise blood sugar levels. More specifically, nicotine is the culprit behind the increased sugars.
So if you are a diabetic, and you notice that you feel sick or light-headed after smoking, or can’t figure out why your glucose
meter insists your sugars are higher than your eating habits suggest they should be, you need look no further.