I love these kind of threads.
Ok so I like a good cheap stick as much as the next guy and have dones some searching to find ones that I think are just as good as the 7 or 8 dollar sticks out there.
Diesel, like many have said.
Benchmade, like a few have said and if you go to cigarplace.biz you can get them for under 2.50 a piece and they do 1 dollar shipping on the first of the month.
Corojo Lable from cigar.com is another great one that I didn't see anyone mention. I have had great results from these and pretty cheap.
Tobac Baez SF, Great smoke especialy at the price. They may be short filler but smoke like premium long filler sticks in my experience.
Old Henry, either the maduro or the regular. I haven't had the coneticut wrapper yet.
Little Havana Overruns. I have only had one but I will definatly be picking up more.
These are all sticks I have realy liked and are in my opinion better than alot of sticks twice their price.