Thread: Top Gear
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Old 08-18-2010, 02:07 PM   #42
Suck It
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Default Re: Top Gear

Well I went and DLed a few episodes. Some season 12 and some season 10.
I could not figurre out a quick way to only grab Vietnam, Boats, etc, but as
luck would have it, I DID get the boatcar episode. I understand where you
guys get the enthusiasm. This show is cool. I have watched snatches of the
boats and ALL of the episode where they get the three snazzy proto cars and
go off looking for the perfect driving road. Which they find in italy finally.
In the end, the 'sad sack' one of the three guys ends up buck naked in the
cockpit pouring bottled water on himself cause he either doesn't have AC in
the Aston Martin he's driving, or it has never worked. (others are in a Orange
Lambo and a Green Porsche.)
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