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Old 08-16-2010, 03:53 PM   #95
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Default Re: what's the WORST cigar you've smoked?

Originally Posted by T.G View Post
Heh. I've done that before too.

Then there was that one night years ago I went cheap cigar hunting on cbid while drunk.

Big mistake. Ended up with a huge box, way too large to fit in the lockers at the post office (the clerk brought the box out to the counter on a freaking cart, and I was just standing there going WTF? This box must have been at least 2ft square, maybe closer to 3 in one dimension) full of crap cigars and 10 empty boxes showing up the next week that I didn't even remember ordering. Funny thing was, it only cost me less than $100 to fill that. So, that should give you an idea just how bad most of them were. Everything on CI's "Unsmokeables" page, yeah, I've tried them... and then some...

Wow!!!! Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner For That Feat, Brother!
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