Originally Posted by Subvet642
I know that they're not infused, but gawd, they were awful! I bought a box 'cause they were on sale for a stupid low price. I gave it the ol' college try, I smoked about 5 of 'em before I gave-up.
Heh. I've done that before too.
Then there was that one night years ago I went cheap cigar hunting on cbid while drunk.
Big mistake. Ended up with a huge box, way too large to fit in the lockers at the post office (the clerk brought the box out to the counter on a freaking cart, and I was just standing there going WTF? This box must have been at least 2ft square, maybe closer to 3 in one dimension) full of crap cigars and 10 empty boxes showing up the next week that I didn't even remember ordering. Funny thing was, it only cost me less than $100 to fill that. So, that should give you an idea just how bad most of them were. Everything on CI's "Unsmokeables" page, yeah, I've tried them... and then some...