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Old 08-14-2010, 07:49 PM   #11
Death Is Waiting
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Default Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?

Originally Posted by spectrrr View Post
1) so paint it with a few coats, then add a few coats of clear on top to protect the paint from the stickers? Your protecting your paint job from the wear and tear of the outside elements.

2) if I put the stickers on, then clear coat on top of that, and I sand between coats, won't that muddy the clarity of the stickers? By the very nature of clear coat it remains clear. You would be sanding with 800-1000 even 2000 grit paper. Wet sanding is actualy preferred. No clarity losses and a very small depth will be added.

(get the impression I'm NOT a painter by any shape of the imagination )

I might have to do the coats on top of the stickers later, once I'm reasonable sure I've got most of them....
You can always add stickers and clear coat again.

I don't think I can make Shack if it's this year.
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