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Old 08-13-2010, 02:01 PM   #1667
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Default Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by RightAJ View Post
I'm 20, 21 in January (when I can purchase a handgun), and I have little shooting experience.

OK, here goes my sales person schpeel. Go to a range with some buddies, or a take a class and learn how to shoot, I prefer taking a class. Once you learn your safety and fundamentals try out a few different guns and see what works best for you. All the firearms here that were mentioned are all good, but if you do not feel comfortable shooting one, what good does it do for you?

I've told this story before and it's worth mentioning again. I have seen two people walk into a gun store/range, both wanting to buy and rent glocks because of what they have seen and heard. They went to the range and tried a few different firearms; one ended up buying the Glock, the other a Sig.

Each person is going to be different. I'm a Sig guy, because I shoot better with them and they feel better in my hand. Do I own Glocks HELL YES, they are great firearms, but they don't feel good in my hand.

With all that said I use a Smith and Wesson 686 at home.
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