Re: Homebrewers - Whats in the fermeter?
Racked the CohiBrew DIPA into the secondary last week, SG right at about 1.019 so it fermented down quite a bit.
Yesterday I brewed up my 2010 Christmas ale, this year going for a Belgian Specialty using Trappist yeast and adding some cinnamon, orange peel, cardamon and ginger. Have a question for the group on calculating OG. I plan on adding dark Belgian candy sugar to the primary a few days after fermentation begins. I'm trying to determine how much to use, based on the impact it will have on the starting gravity. From what I've read, the sugar has a gravity of 1.036 OG/lb/gal.
I measured OG this morning (without the sugar) at 1.060, a few points lower than target. Is it safe to say that 16 oz would bring that to 1.067 (1.036/5) and 8 oz to 1.064 (50% of 1.036/5)? This is in a 5 gallon batch.