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Old 08-07-2010, 07:28 PM   #15
Nerd with social skills
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Default Re: RPG Games: What's good about them?

I played EverQuest for 7 years, WoW for 5, and played FF7,8,9,10.

The appeal on EQ and WoW is the social aspect first and foremost. I enjoyed having a group of people to talk with on ventrilo, in our guild forum, and in-game. I was also a raider, so I worked with a team of people to accomplish big objectives/goals (i.e. killing the final boss that existed at the time). This really drove me to put in a lot of hours into both games (we're talking well over a year and a half of online time. probably closer to two).

For the Final Fantasy series, I enjoy those mostly for their story line. The game play itself is not very exciting/challenging for the most part.

Also - D&D is really, really fun with the right group of people. An incredibly social game.
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