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Old 08-07-2010, 06:12 PM   #11
Have My Own Room
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Default Re: I need advice from you parents

Well I am still starting out with this whole parent thing as Step parent goes. However, in my Day job I feel as though I act as part parent part leader to many of my younger guys. I have taught many of them to drive ect. Guns are a great responsibility and if you have already stepped into a pellet gun you are already there. It is still a projectile that could still cause harm. I would go to gun and study the arguments you know your parents are to make and then arm yourself with the info to better your argument. I dont know your whole family dynamic or anything however as you will see the older you get the more you need to be informed before getting into any discussion. Guidance counselor hat off. Best of luck. I know the NRA and many schools do .22LR target classes and matches might be worth bringing them to one with you.
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