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Old 08-07-2010, 12:32 AM   #9
Knowhutimean, Vern?
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Default Re: RPG Games: What's good about them?

Let me break it down a bit more:

I have heard great things about all of the Final Fantasy games. I hear there is not a bad one out of all of the series. So I started off playing FF3 (I think it's FF6 in the series but for the NES it's 3). Old NES gamers such as me say that the Final Fantasy games on the NES are great jumping on points but I just don't get it. Here's a link to where I was playing FF3 on the NES:

If you are an old school gamer you will love the site. I linked just FF3 but there are a plethora of old NES games at that site.

I tried to play FF3 but I suck at it. Any tips for a non RPG gamer?

In case of any reccommendations, I own a Wii and a PS2, and have access to a couple of old NES emulator sites.

Insert quote here.

Last edited by Starscream; 08-07-2010 at 12:37 AM.
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