My son just informed me that he wishes to stop playing hockey this year. He would be a 2nd year Bantam, just one season away from playing at the high school level. Started when he was 4 and after 11 season, he is not as in love with the game as he used to be, and is thinking of all the stuff that he has missed out on. He wants to ski, snowboard and do some family vacations that don't involve him playing in 3-5 games in single weekend. He switched from forward to goalie about 5 years ago, and has had some great success.
I am saddened, but at the same time proud of what he has accomplished! I am also going to miss the rink, but feel I can acclimate to a chalet setting just fine.

The sale of his equipment is going to be bittersweet as shopping for it has always been one of my favorite things to do with him.