So this post has 2 parts.....
First.... The Little Man went away from Eagle gloves.... Don't know why this is disappointing to me, but it is all the same. He has had a pair on since he was 7 and now TPS.... Like always, I tell him, fit and function is key....and tossed him what was sure to be his next gloves(Eagle PPF's). Told him to try on a few pair of gloves while I chased his sister around, who was trying on every piece of equipment in the place. Anyway, came back and he had his gloves picked out... I am sure I must have given a look, because I got the response "They are what fit best, I LIKE THESE."
Dad was just overruled for the first time in an equipment purchase..... (I still think the Eagle's felt better)
Second..... Just paid for this years USAHockey fee this morning. Purchased a new helmet(just because), shield(his old fishbowl was hammered), gloves and shin guards this afternoon...... Saturday I will pay this years rec hockey fees(his last year) and expect to hear shortly what this season of high school hockey(his first regular season, has been playing this Summer with the JV team) will be costing me....

It is a good damn thing I love this sport and being at the rink, because it is not exactly easy on my wallet.
Guess there could be worse things, right....I could be paying for travel leagues...
(He also is going to make it into the new season in last years skates, so that is a nice treat)
In the end, I could not be happier to be working my way through this and cross my fingers that his sister catches the bug as well....
P.S. I'll get a box of cigars worth of cash out of his old stuff at the skate swap....
P.S.S. 2 more years and I don't have to taxi him to practices, drop in and stick & puck.