Originally Posted by RHNewfie
Oooh, testing!!
Say, will it be OTA install and updates?
By testing, I merely meant components of the UI to see if the 'look' was a good thing to pursue

Bad choice of words ... it isn't 'that far' yet.
It will be OTA through the BB/Android Market. The website is merely for support and to host the database of cigars that can be updated.
The database itself will not need an involved update procedure. You simply will go to settings and click 'update database' (or something to that effect if I happen to change the current wordage), and it will update your cigar reference database. All new info will be downloaded to your phone, if there is an update available for it.
If there is a program update, that will go through the appropriate market.
Though the Android will come first of the two and that's because it's the easiest to code for. I'm gonna have to remake this thread eventually as it's a bit misleading to my current timeline.